Does Cardinine Raise Testosterone

Does Cardinine Raise Testosterone

There has been a consistent demand for endurance boosting, performance enhancement drugs that are tissue selective and side-effect free.

Compounds that can bind to androgen receptors in muscle tissue and possibly boost muscle endurance, without exerting negative side effects elsewhere, to be more precise.

While there are a whole bunch of AAS compounds that qualify, the negative health consequences often make them less than ideal choices in most scenarios. Take Equipoise for example.1

It causes a massive surge in RBC production, which in turn amplifies oxygenation and boosts endurance.

But it is as androgenic as testosterone. Also, it aromatizes at the rate of test.

Recreational users avoid such compounds due to the androgenicity and the potential for estrogenic sides.

Long term usage is almost impossible due to the risk of cardiovascular disease and serum lipids.

That's why SARMS became popular overnight.

With their tissue-selective action and very few side effects, these compounds have become the perfect choice for both recreational users as well as professional athletes.

S4, also called Andarine is one of the SARMS that has gained popularity as an endurance booster. 2

The other one is Cardarine.

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To be honest, both are poor choices for the purported use.

S4 is marred by some serious side effects which led to it being abandoned before Phase I clinical human trials.

That's often downplayed by unscrupulous SARMS sellers on the internet.

If you are contemplating using S4 to meet your fitness goals, then please read this to get a fair idea of what the potential risks are.

What is S4 or Andarine?

S4 or Andarine is a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) that was being researched as a potential treatment for muscle wasting, benign prostatic hyperplasia and osteoporosis.

Animal model studies revealed excellent bioavailability, tissue-selective action, more anabolic activity than Testosterone propionate, with the ability to reduce prostate weight by up to 75%.

In a nutshell, it was the most perfect performance enhancement compound in theory.

But, the adverse effects were far too grave for it to be considered a viable treatment option for any of the above mentioned conditions.

Despite having some of the best pre-clinical data, the compound was abandoned by GTX in favor of Ostarine, which continues to be researched.3

That said, Andarine has found its way into the black market and is readily available on the internet. It is being sold as an endurance booster, muscle preserving agent and a fat loss compound.

All three are traits that it does possess.

What's not mentioned is the potential side effects that it can cause. We'll touch on this in a bit.

For now, here are the results that you can expect with Andarine.

The effects of Andarine in a performance enhancement setting

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Andarine is not as effective as LGD-4033 or RAD-140 in building lean muscle tissue. However, it is rarely used in that capacity.

It is more commonly found in cutting cycles, where it is often stacked with Ostarine.

Here are some of the results that you can expect from it. (Based mostly on anecdotal evidence)

Increased endurance:

Andarine allows you to increase your total workload in the gym. You can perform cardio for longer. You can hit more reps. Not to mention, you can do more sets. Your recovery is much better as well. The effects are not as pronounced as what you'd get with Cardarine. But you'll definitely feel your workouts getting easier as the compound kicks in.


S4 will flush out the subcutaneous water that you are holding making your muscle tissue dry and striated. Now, this is where things start to get a little murky. While it does make you look drier, the look is nowhere close to what you'd look on DHT-based orals like Masteron. Anybody who compares the two compounds visually, has an obvious dubious agenda. The takeaway is that it will make you dry, but nowhere close to AAS levels.


Just like any other compound that flushes out excessive water, S4 will enhance vascularity. Your veins will be more visible and this adds to the overall cosmetic effect that many recreational users seek.

Reduced prostate weight:

If you are running DHT-based AAS, it can have a detrimental effect on your prostate health. Even if were a long term AAS user and are now suffering from the negative side effects such as benign prostatic hyperplasia, Andarine can help reduce prostate weight without exerting other negative effects.

While it is often touted as a fat loss agent, it doesn't really boost lipolysis. None of the animal model studies have mentioned a reduction in fat mass.

What are the risks of running Andarine?

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Any SARM that binds to androgen receptors and competes with testosterone will cause suppression of your natural testosterone production.4

S4 is no different. It will cause your endogenous testosterone levels to suppress, although, the suppression is not as severe as what you'd experience with other SARMS like LGD and RAD.

It is the vision side effects that are a more serious concern.

S4 causes a slew of vision-related side effects that affects people differently. It does not seem to be dose dependent either, because there are instances of it occurring even at 20mg/day.

It normally starts with a yellow-tinge to your vision during the day. Think of it like wearing sepia-tinted glasses all day.

Then it progresses to full-blown night-vision blindness.

Some people have difficulty adjusting to the change in ambient light as they go from a well-lit room to a dark one. Others say that in advanced stages, it can make you as blind as a bat at night and is extremely scary.

Most people who downplay this side effect are trying to sell you the compound.

Is Andarine worth the risk?

best safe alternative to sarm s4

That's for you to answer.

Is anything worth the risk of losing your vision for a little dryness and vascularity that will fade as soon as you stop using the compound?

Why not use some Anavar instead? 5

The current argument that's being sold on messaging boards is that the vision sides are temporary and overrated.

But don't for a moment discount the possibility that you might end up damaging your vision permanently. Or that a few years from now, the yellow tinge might reappear and decide to stick around permanently.

These are research chemicals that we are talking about. Anyone who's making assurances about their safety are lying. Period.

  1. Equipoise (Boldenone Undecylenate): 6 things you must be aware of [↩]
  2. Andarine (S4): What to expect from an Andarine cycle [↩]
  3. Ostarine (MK-2866): 9 traits that make it the perfect '1st-cycle' SARM [↩]
  4. SARMS & Methods of Use – Patent Publications [↩]
  5. Anavar Profile – AlphaPlug [↩]

Does Cardinine Raise Testosterone


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